ourman - Timeshift

Did you know the months July and August were added to the calendar in ancient times in recognition of Julius Caesar and Augustus, then SEPTember became the 9th month, OCTober the 10th month, NOVember the 11th month and DECember the 12th month of the year.

Did you know the world lost 10 days one September?

This was necessary because the seasons and the harvest were not occurring at the correct time of the year, resulting in crops being harvested when the weather was wet and cold and this led to ruined crops.

We have similar issues today, such as dairy cows needing to be milked some hours different from the time 30 to 40 years ago, apparently because of a 'time-shift' problem. This has become noticeable to us all in the UK as we no longer have dark mornings when we go to the office, university or school during wintertime.

An adjustment was implemented in 1752 after years' of scientific analysis, numerous calculation methods, and debate by the English establishment, to arrive at the best solution to overcome the problems with the harvest and darkness falling too early in the afternoons. The calendar was adjusted so that the 2 or 3 September was followed the next day by the 14 September. It is also of interest that the previous year 1751 was a short year, from 25 March to 31 December, as the New Year day changed to 1 January starting from 1752. I believe another correction was required a few years later following a revision of the time difference calculations used previously.

The 'leap year' was introduced (by Julius Caesar) so that the near 0,25 day fraction every year of approximately 365,25 days could be accounted for every four years by adding an extra day to the month of February, hence the day 29 February. In fact, a year is itself not exactly 365 days and 6 hours, as it takes a few more or less minutes for the earth to complete one orbit around the sun, causing a difference in the length of a year when calculating using different reference points.

These differences have resulted in the time shown by our clocks being a number of hours different from the real time elapsed since the last major adjustment, which generally occur every 40 to 50 years. This is because each day is around 6,3 seconds shorter than the full 24 hours, which is caused by the sidereal day being shorter than our general measurement of time for everyday purposes. Over a period of a relatively few years, the difference accumulates and is to some extent adjusted by the addition of an extra day every leap year (that day itself being shorter than the full 24 hours). Currently, our clocks are hours different from the actual celestial time, estimated at around 4,25 to 4,50 hours.

Maybe two 2-hour adjustments in the next five years and a leap year every 8 years starting from 2016 could solve the problem! These kind of major adjustments require global agreement and any proposed solution would need to be precisely calculated in order to arrive at the most efficient and least expensive option. A leap year every 8 years is unlikely to be acceptable because of the cost of the computer hardware and software changes required by 2016 (despite product replacement cycles) and not all countries would agree to adopt the new calendar.
The three character country code UKB can be use to refer to Britain and short name relating to the code is United Kingdoms and Areas of Great Britain use of word Great is optional. A longer title is registered referring to Britain and her or its islands which extent relating to this code is not including N Ireland and principally the isles of Man Channel outer Hebrides or Western and Shetland.
This specific code can be use by all when prefer to distinguish from UK and United Kingdom and is not to be part of postal address.
Did you also know ...
In these theorem constructs the relationship exists when the 2 measurements are both of the internal or the external amount. 
TC/S1. The circumference of a sphere is the same as the length of a diagonal line from a corner to the opposite corner of a square.
TC/S2. The diameter of a sphere is the same as near a 0,3183 part of the length of the diagonal line and the same as near a 0,707 part of the length of a side of the square and half of the part is the radius of the same sphere.
TC/S3. The surface area of the same sphere is the same as the area of the square.
TC/T1. The circumference of a cylinder is the same as the length of a side of a rectangle or oblong.
TC/T2. The surface area of the same cylinder is the same as the area of the rectangle.
TC/T3. The height of the same cylinder is the same as the length of a side of a rectangle which is not a side the same length as the circumference.
TC/C1. The circumference of the base of a cone is the same as the length of the base of a triangle.
TC/C2. The surface area of the same cone is the same as the area of the triangle.
TC/C3. The height of the same cone is the same as the length of a line at rightangle to midpoint of the base to opposite point of the triangle.
TC/C4. The volume of a cone is derive from length of rightangle line of and area of the triangle and is proved to be 1 of 3 equal parts of the volume of a cylinder which is the same height and circumference of base as the cone. There can be a small deduction to represent thickness of line or material occurring internal to point of the cone.
The constructs TC/C1-4 may only apply when all of the base circumference of a cone occurs as undulating line or surface.
Did you also know this anomaly ...
TC/M1. The square root of 2 is the same as 1 divide by (square root of 2 divide by 2).
TC/M2. The square root of 2 is the same as 2 multiply by (1 divide by square root of 2).
TC/M3. The amount 6,25 mile is 11000 YRD exact.
TC/M4. The amount 2/3 or twothird indirect is the same as 6/10 add 1/9 of that amount, same as alternative 5/10 add 1/6 of whole amount. The amount 1/3 or onethird indirect is the same as 3/10 add 1/9 of that amount, same as alternative 5/10 subtract 1/6 of whole amount.
TC/M5. The amount 3/4 or threefourth indirect is near the same as 1/6 add all of whole amount, then multiply by 9/14. The amount 1/4 or onefourth indirect is near the same as 1/6 add all of whole amount, then multiply by 3/14.
TC/M6. The amount 2 of 1 metre is near exact 74 add 4 add ,74 in., same as less accurate alternative 6 ft. 6 in. add fraction is result of 6 multiply by (6 add 6) in. For amount 100 metre, same as alternative 111 yd. 1 ft. 1 in. and reduce by 2 yd.
Reducing impairment for when heating through or cooking a food product.
Small appliance of a higher output rating often different from category or power indicate in heating guideline on product pack or a recipe and selecting a medium or medium high output when using appliance can bring a more acceptable result.
When this is not a situation then reduce a guideline time using these easy steps and a calculating facility
A Multiply higher output amount by number of minute in guideline time and include ,5 also when 1/2 or 30sec is indicate. Amount is often of watt w kW or kJ and example amount 0,65kW is 650w or around 3894 x 10joule output energy a min and similar other amounts
B Divide answer by lower output amount
C Subtract from answer full number of minute to left of decimal point indicator when display
D Multiply answer by 60
E Regard as 0 or 5 alternatively 3 or 8 the digit closest to left of decimal point indicator when display and ignore decimal place digits. When using first pair 5 attracts digits 4 5 6 7 to it and 0 attracts 0 1 2 3 8 9 to it, when 8 9 also increase by 1 a digit in preceding position if answer is 6 then regard as a full 1min 00sec more time. Using second pair 8 attracts 6 7 8 9 to it and 3 attracts 0 1 2 3 4 5 to it.
Answer from step E is number of second to use with number of minute in step C when setting appliance and example is typical guideline 850w and 5min 30sec then for 700w appliance the steps estimate 6min 40sec as extent of heating. Reduce extent of heating by 5 to 15sec when 14min or longer time.
When using a bargain low output model for 5 to 13min heatup in 2 to 5 stage with 1 to 2min interval. Always consult appliance user guide and any specified heatup time and stage instructions relating to the model.

There is a grid or table of heatup times available at no cost for a distributor place of work or education employer retailer or user for setting appliances of lower than 600w output amount. Include in request from heating guideline on food items packaging 1 output in range 600 to 750 or 800 to 950w and include fullpower output of 1 or 2 oven use to heatup as w kW or joule amount. Send message to address or using feedback form on contact page at this site and allow 5 to 7 days for receiving reply.

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